Universities with Pre-Arrival Admissions | Website về thông tin du học JPSS

Universities with Pre-Arrival Admissions | Website về thông tin du học JPSS

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Universities with Pre-Arrival Admissions

Pre-Arrival Admissions means you do not have to travel to Japan until you are accepted and ready to attend.
Although many of the Universities still require applicants to be present for on-campus exams, the programs on this list allows applicants to apply and be screened from outside of Japan.

What to watch out for when looking at Pre-Arrival Admissions:

1. Faculty / Department / Program

Even within the same university, whether Pre-Arrival Admissions are available or not will differ for each Faculty / Department /Program. Make sure that the admissions information you find are for the Faculty/ Department/ Programs that you want to study in.

2. Schedule

Pre-Arrival Admissions application period is usually limited. Even if the program you want to apply for has 3 application periods, it is likely that Pre-Arrival Admissions is available for only one of them, or on a different schedule than admissions for applicants in Japan.

3. Language Proficiency/ Standardized Test Scores

Check in advance which test scores are needed for application. Planning ahead is essential in getting the necessary documents ready.

Here are a few programs that offer Pre-Arrival Admissions.

Official Website

Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU) aims to foster creative and capable world citizens who embody its motto, "Mastery for Service", by transforming society with compassion and integrity based on the principles of Christianity. KGU offers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in 40 different disciplines across 14 undergraduate and 14 graduate schools, with a "Multiple Degree Program" that allows students to earn two degrees simultaneously and "Multidisciplinary Studies" that will expand opportunities for students and acquire multiple perspectives by taking a variety of courses outside of their school or department.
Approximately 900 degree-seeking international students are currently at KGU, who have the advantage of a strong support system in financial aid and housing. Students can participate in extensive career education and guidance activities which are also provided from the early stages of their education while at KGU, designed to help them choose the right career path.

<Degree Program offered in Japanese>

  • April entry
    Entrance examination for international students (ExaminationⅠ)
    About one weeks from late August
  • April entry
    Entrance examination for international students (Examination Ⅱ)
    About a week from mid-November

<Degree Program offered in English>

  • April entry
    International Admission (First Examination)
    About a week from late August
  • April entry
    International Admission (Second Examination)
    About a week from late October

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