Hỗ trợ đời sống sinh hoạt sinh viên | Education | Osaka Kyoiku University | JPSS, trang chuyên về thông tin du học Nhật Bản

Hỗ trợ đời sống sinh hoạt sinh viên | Education | Osaka Kyoiku University | J...

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Dành cho các bạn đang có dự định du học trường Osaka Kyoiku University. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT là trang thông tin về du học Nhật Bản dành cho du học sinh nước ngoài, được đồng vận hành bởi Hiệp hội Asia Gakusei Bunka và Công ty cổ phần Benesse Corporation. Trang này đăng các thông tin Ngành Education của Osaka Kyoiku University cũng như thông tin chi tiết về từng ngành học, nên nếu bạn đang tìm hiểu thông tin du học liên quan tới Osaka Kyoiku University thì hãy sử dụng trang web này.Ngoài ra còn có cả thông tin của khoảng 1.300 trường đại học, cao học, trường đại học ngắn hạn, trường chuyên môn đang tiếp nhận du học sinh.

Đại học Osaka  / Quốc lập

大阪教育大学 | Osaka Kyoiku University

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  • Mục thông tin ngành học
  • Hỗ trợ đời sống sinh hoạt sinh viên
  • Giới thiệu cơ sở vật chất của trường
  • Truy cập

Hỗ trợ đời sống sinh hoạt sinh viên

Tuition Waivers and Scholarships

In order to reduce the economic burdens faced by international students, we offer programs for tuition waivers and scholarships. For example, in 2020, a few of our international students received waivers for half or all of their tuition.

Osaka Kyoiku University International Student Support Association

The goals of the Osaka Kyoiku University International Student Support Association are to provide financial support to international students and to promote international exchange activities with the local community. The association is composed of university faculty and staff together with local organizations. Since 2003, they awarded scholarships to international students every year.
From 2018, sholarships are awarded from Osaka Kyoiku University Study Support Scholarship Association.
In 2020, 20 international students were awarded scholarships.


Each international student is assigned a “Tutor”, who is a current student that will provide academic guidance outside of the classroom or laboratory, as well as support related to daily life. Tutors are a valuable asset for international students who have just arrived in Japan or are studying in a university for the first time. Tutors not only provide advice drawn from their own experiences, but also friendship as well.

Office Hours

The Global Center has office hours set for international students so they can come in and ask questions or share problems related to their studies or daily life.

Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Programs

Japanese language classes are held for international students so that they may improve their Japanese language skills.

Japan Cultural Field Studies

Three times per year, field studies are held for international students to learn more about Japan’s culture and history.
In 2018, students visited famous places and historical sites in Mie and Shiga Prefectures. They also attended a Sumo tournament.

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