Cultural Studies | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan

Cultural Studies | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan

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JPSS, for information about studying in Japan's universities and graduate schools. > Subject > List of fields of study > Cultural Studies

Introduction of Studies Cultural Studies

Cultural Studies

Learning about cultures and the origins of creative thinking.

Our world has many different cultures that draw on regional characteristics as well as the histories of various groups of people. Cultural studies examine the different cultures of countries, regions, and peoples and compare them through research. Research involves study from various viewpoints that cover the many components of any culture, such as language, philosophy, religion, literature, arts, morals, sociology, and folklore. The most notable characteristic of cultural studies is that it covers a wide academic breadth that combines knowledge and concepts from many fields. This means that unique kinds of research that could not be carried out in other fields of study can be pursued. Going forward, in our society, the understanding of the cultures of other countries, comparative culture theory, and international relations theory will become more and more important. Cultural and liberal arts studies from viewpoints such as these are expected to have large ramifications in fields of international research.

Universities that offer these studies include...

上智大学 | Sophia University

Founded by the Jesuits in 1913 and placed in th...

Sophia University

関西大学 | Kansai University

Located in Osaka, a city brimming with history ...

Kansai University

津田塾大学 | Tsuda University

Tsuda University is a private institution of hi...

Tsuda University

大阪教育大学 | Osaka Kyoiku University

Osaka Kyoiku University has over 140 years of h...

Osaka Kyoiku University

武蔵大学 | Musashi University

Since its inception, Musashi University has con...

Musashi University

帝京大学 | Teikyo University

Teikyo University is a comprehensive institutio...

Teikyo University

学習院女子大学 | Gakushuin Women's College

The history of Gakushuin Women’s College dates ...

Gakushuin Women's College

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