Art and Design | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan

Art and Design | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan

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Introduction of Studies Art and Design

Art and Design

Nurturing the desire of self-expression.

Art and Design covers the creation of artwork that makes use of your senses and artistic skills. Various methods of expression are researched, but there is not one method of learning; the meaning of artistic beauty is pursued through each individual’s means of expression throughout their studies. Recent trends in the field deemphasize the study of specific styles of painting or sculpture in favor of letting the artists themselves choose their own methods of expression. Computers are increasingly being used in place of brushes and other traditional media for the creation of CG (computer graphics). All art is born from the artist’s desire to express their thoughts and feelings. Artists must take a broad view of many aspects of the world around them to receive mental stimulation to form an artistic foundation derived from their experiences and feelings. Research into the theories of art and art history has been gaining attention as a source for cultivating such artistic perspectives.

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早稲田大学 | Waseda University

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多摩美術大学 | Tama Art University

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大阪教育大学 | Osaka Kyoiku University

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昭和女子大学 | Showa Women's University

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広島大学 | Hiroshima University

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Hiroshima University

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