Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan

Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering | JPSS, the information sit...

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JPSS, for information about studying in Japan's universities and graduate schools. > Subject > List of fields of study > Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Introduction of Studies Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Considering the symbiosis of human beings, nature, and buildings.

Architectural, civil, and environmental engineering covers research of buildings and urban environments that provide safe living for the people of society. Research in architecture covers a broad range of topics, from the design and building of housing and facilities for comfortable living, to the development and design of cities and communities. Comprehensive studies in the field cover the structure, materials, and construction techniques for buildings as well as the history of architectural cultural and concepts of building design. Civil engineering focuses on the building up of city “lifelines” such as roads, bridges, and water supply and waste systems that take into account factors such as the topography of the land and existing structures. Environmental engineering pursues providing materially-rich living for people in coexistence with the greenery, water, and air of the natural environment that surrounds them. Mentally and physically relaxing living environments are sought out.

Universities that offer these studies include...

早稲田大学 | Waseda University

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多摩美術大学 | Tama Art University

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武蔵野大学 | Musashino University

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愛知淑徳大学 | Aichi Shukutoku University

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東北大学 | Tohoku University

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Tohoku University

広島大学 | Hiroshima University

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Hiroshima University

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