JPSS, for information about studying in Japan's universities and graduate schools. > News/Useful information for studying abroad > Japan scholarship
In Japan, many scholarships have been provided for international students from various organizations.
However, the qualifications and amounts greatly differ among them. Most of the scholarships are intended for international students studying at universities and colleges in Japan.
Scholarships where you can apply from abroad before coming to Japan are very few.
A scholarship cannot maintain your life as an international student in Japan; it can only serve as a supplement for expenses. Please understand contents of scholarship systems, and consider a reasonable plan for studying in Japan.
Type of Scholarships Listed
1. Scholarships offered by the government of Japan (Monbukagakusho)
A round-trip air ticket and living expenses are provided, and admission fees and tuition costs are waived. A recommendation from a Japanese embassy or a University in Japan is required. The recipient may not receive any other scholarships. Less than 5% of all international exchange students receive these scholarships (as of May 1, 2015).
2. Scholarships offered by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
The Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), an independent administrative institution established under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho), offers two types of scholarships: the “Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students” and the “Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for short-term Study in Japan)”. Applications for these scholarships are collected through all participating schools in Japan.
・Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students
International students whose living expenses are privately financed are provided with a monthly stipend of 48,000 yen (30,000 yen for students at Japanese language schools). Restrictions may apply according to students’ academic records as well as institutional financing conditions. Students with excellent results on the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) may participate in an advance reservation program. Less than 3% of all international exchange students receive these scholarships (as of June 15, 2015).
・Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for short-term Study in Japan)
These scholarships are awarded for international students enrolled at institutions of higher education in other countries that have cooperative agreements for student exchange with Japanese universities or other organizations, and who are participating in study programs that are more than 8 days and less than 1 year in duration. A monthly stipend of 80,000 yen is awarded. A number of students equivalent to less than 4% of all international exchange students receive these scholarships (as of September 1, 2015).
3. Scholarships offered by Local Governments and International Exchange Organizations
These scholarships are provided by Japan’s local government bodies and related international exchange organizations. There are restrictions on the place of student residence or the location of the school to enroll in. Almost all scholarships award monthly amounts of a few thousand yen or a few ten-thousands of yen, and in most cases, the recipient may not receive any other scholarships.
4. Scholarships offered by Private Scholarship Foundations
These scholarships are provided by privately-held companies or private foundations. These scholarships reflect the purposes and qualities of the businesses and organizations, and they may be intended for students studying at specific schools, for students studying in specific areas of specialization, or for students from specific countries. Please be aware that students who do not meet these conditions will not qualify for these scholarships. In most cases, the recipient may not receive any other scholarships.
You can search for the requirements and amounts of many scholarships intended for international students.
14 results total Page 1
Organization The Iwatani Naoji Foundation
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Apply directly to the foundation.
Place of residence at the time of application both in and outside Japan
Academic level Master's program, Doctoral program
Nationality East Asia, Southeast Asia
Stipend (Yen) 150,000 yen for a month
Number of recipients 20程度 (about 20)
Organization Kyoritsu International Foundation
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Apply through the school.
Place of residence at the time of application both in and outside Japan
Academic level Special training school, College, Undergraduate, Master's program, Doctoral program
Nationality Asia
Stipend (Yen) 100,000 yen for a month
Number of recipients 25
Organization Japan Dental Association
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Apply directly to the foundation.
Place of residence at the time of application outside Japan
Academic level Master's program, Doctoral program, Research Student
Nationality Asia-pacific nations
Stipend (Yen) 150,000 yen for a month
Number of recipients 2-3
Organization Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES)
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2026
Application method Apply through the school.
Place of residence at the time of application both in and outside Japan
Academic level Master's program, Doctoral program, Research Student
Stipend (Yen) 150,000 yen for a month
Number of recipients 5
Organization Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research
Applicable scholarship year 2025-2027
Application method Apply individually with a letter of recommendation from the school (department head).
Place of residence at the time of application both in and outside Japan
Academic level Doctoral program(Those who are expected to enroll to Doctoral course)
Nationality Not designated
Stipend (Yen) Student of Doctoral course: 100,000 yen for a month
Number of recipients 若干名 (A few)
Organization Toka Kyoiku Bunka Koryu Zaidan
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Apply directly to the foundation.
Place of residence at the time of application both in and outside Japan
Academic level Undergraduate(3rd and 4th years), Master's program, Doctoral program
Nationality China (including Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan)
Stipend (Yen) 100,000 yen for a month
Number of recipients 10
Organization Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Apply through the school.
Place of residence at the time of application outside Japan
Academic level Special training school(Specialist training course ), College of technology(3rd to 5th year, Advanced course), College, Undergraduate, Master's program, Doctoral program
Nationality All countries that have diplomatic relations with Japan (applicants from Taiwan and Palestine are acceptable)
Stipend (Yen) 80,000 yen for a month
Number of recipients 5,000(予定) (Plan)
Organization Japan Taiwan Exchange Association
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Apply directly to the foundation.
Place of residence at the time of application outside Japan
Academic level Master's program, Doctoral program, Others(Professional graduate school)
Nationality Taiwan
Stipend (Yen) 144,000 yen to 148,000 yen for a month
Number of recipients 未定 (Not decided yet)
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Apply directly to the foundation.
Place of residence at the time of application both in and outside Japan
Academic level Master's program, Doctoral program
Stipend (Yen) 200,000 yen for a month
Number of recipients 約10 (about 10)
Organization Benesse Corporation
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Please refer to
Place of residence at the time of application both in and outside Japan
Academic level Undergraduate, Master's program, Doctoral program
Stipend (Yen) 100,000 yen for a year to 500,000 yen for a year
Number of recipients 3