Search Japanese Graduate schools in Hiroshima. | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan

Search Japanese Graduate schools in Hiroshima. | JPSS, the information site o...

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When international students are asked about Hiroshima, most are quick to recall the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, also known as the Atomic Bomb Dome. This building has been left as a memorial to show all Japanese the devastation that was caused by the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan. When international students who came to study in Hiroshima witness this for themselves, they too become inspired to stop war and the use of atomic weapons. Hiroshima is an ideal place for international students to reflect on the meaning of peace. At the same time, they can also experience one of Japan's three most scenic views, the historical Miyajima island. Study in Hiroshima allows international students to experience the progress of culture of the Japanese people firsthand.

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10 schools in total Page 1

Elisabeth University of Music Research courseList

Prefectural University of Hiroshima Research courseList

Hijiyama University Research courseList

Hiroshima University of Economics Research courseList

Hiroshima Institute of Technology Research courseList

Hiroshima Shudo University Research courseList

Fukuyama City University Research courseList

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Graduate School

International University of Japan
Kwansei Gakuin University
Niigata University of Health and Welfare