International University of Japan 2024年度入試 出願受付中です。出願締め切り日は... | Berita | JPSS, Website informasi belajar di Jepang | 2024/03/25 update

International University of Japan 2024年度入試 出願受付中です。出願締め切り...

Jika Anda lulus fungsi perekrutan Anda akan mendapat kesempatan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa

JPSS, Informasi universitas dan pasca sarjana di Jepang > Berita/Informasi berguna bagi mahasiswa > 2024/03/25


2024/03/25 International University of Japan Berita sekolah

This is a reminder about the upcoming rounds of admissions for fall intake.

If you are living outside Japan, the closing date for the admissions for the Graduate School of Internationa Management (MBA, Digital Management) is April 23rd.
(The admissions for the Graduate Shool of International Relations was closed.)

If you are living in Japan, the next round of admissions for the Graduate School of International Relations and the Graduate School of International Management is May 1st.

[Online Info Session]
Tuesday April 9th, 5 PM - 5:30 PM
Please join our info session to learn more about IUJ.

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