Mencari tempat belajar sekolah dari Ibaragi・Tochigi・Gunma・Saitama・Chiba・Tokyo・Kanagawa・Niigata・Yamanashi・Nagano semua sekolah | JPSS, Website informasi belajar di Jepang(2Halaman)

Mencari tempat belajar sekolah dari Ibaragi・Tochigi・Gunma・Saitama・Chiba・...

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> Mencari tempat belajar sekolah dari Ibaragi・Tochigi・Gunma・Saitama・Chiba・Tokyo・Kanagawa・Niigata・Yamanashi・Nagano semua sekolah

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Total 446 sekolah 2Halaman

Teikyo University Junior College

Students acquire the education and job skills for becoming active members of society.

Teikyo University is a comprehensive institution that offers studies in medicine, humanities, and sciences in 10 faculties and 32 departments. Education at Teikyo University is guided by the ideals...
[«Teikyo University Junior College» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Teikyo University Junior College Daftar fakultas

The University of Nagano

Cultivating active leaders with a global perspective

Established in April, 2018 as a public university in the nature-rich Nagano prefecture, the University of Nagano has three principles as its mission: Development of Leaders, Regional Innovation, an...
[«The University of Nagano» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

The University of Nagano Daftar fakultas

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Yamanashi Gakuin University

Begin your global future at iCLA, YGU

Celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2021, Yamanashi Gakuin endeavors to foster students with an international mindset who are capable of positively contributing to global society. In addition to th...
[«Yamanashi Gakuin University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Yamanashi Gakuin University Daftar fakultas

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Yokohama National University

5 Reasons to Study at YNU

1.YNU conducts cutting-edge research. 2.YNU offers practical education. 3.YNU is an ideal place to study and live. 4.YNU is supportive. 5.YNU is cost effective. YNU values international students a...
[«Yokohama National University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Yokohama National University Daftar fakultas

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Musashi University

Musashi University is a private arts and humanities university with a long history, featuring an international education and small-group ...

Since its inception, Musashi University has continued in efforts to nurture global leaders under the philosophy of one of our school’s three pillars “to produce individuals equal to the challenge o...
[«Musashi University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Musashi University Program penelitianDaftar

Gakushuin Women's College

Study Japan, learn about the world & communicate in English.

The history of Gakushuin Women’s College dates back to 1885, when the school was first built as a place to educate girls of the nobility. Now, it strives to nurture female graduates capable of bein...
[«Gakushuin Women's College» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Gakushuin Women's College Daftar fakultas

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International University of Japan

IUJ is a graduate school where the world gathers.

IUJ aims to cultivate future global leaders capable of finding practical solutions to the various global issues facing the world. On a campus rich in nature, 380 students from 70 countries and reg...
[«International University of Japan» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

International University of Japan Program penelitianDaftar

Tokyo Designer Gakuin College

Study design in Japan! We adopt the most trendy courses in the industries and the majors directly linked to the occupational categories, ...

Besides providing abundant selections of classes and extracurricular events, we are equipped with the same latest professional facilities etc. Here is an ideal environment that links your talent to...
[«Tokyo Designer Gakuin College» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Tokyo Designer Gakuin College Daftar fakultas

Tama Art University

Nurturing creators who can give new value to our society

Since its founding in 1935, Tama Art University has gone on to produce large numbers of outstanding artists who have succeeded in various genres around the globe, including Nobuo Sekine and Kishio ...
[«Tama Art University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Tama Art University Daftar fakultas

Aikoku University Daftar fakultas

Azabu University Program penelitianDaftar

Ashikaga University Daftar fakultas

Atomi University Daftar fakultas

Atomi University Program penelitianDaftar

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Ubah kriteria pencarian


Teikyo University
Sapporo University
Meiji Gakuin University
Temple University, Japan Campus

Pasca sarjana

Niigata University of Health and Welfare
International University of Japan
Kwansei Gakuin University