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Anda dapat mencari Universitas yang menerima mahasiswa asing dari persyaratan mata pelajar dan peta

Total 147 sekolah 1Halaman

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Universitas Teikyo

Raih masa depan melalui cakupan studi yang luas dengan 33 Departemen dan 10 Fakultas

Teikyo University adalah universitas terpadu yang terdiri dari 10 Fakultas dan 32 Departemen di bidang kesehatan, sosial, maupun sains dan teknologi. Dengan mengedepankan tiga hal utama, yaitu ilmu...
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Universitas Teikyo Daftar fakultas

Ryukoku University

By nurturing citizens with "Magokoro (Sincerity)" and creating new knowledge and values, we will become a platform to overcome ...

It is a global campus where about 500 international students from all over the world study. It was founded in 1639 as a dormitory of Nishi Honganji Temple. Today, the university has campuses in Kyo...
[«Ryukoku University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Ryukoku University Daftar fakultas

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Doshisha University

"Learn to Live and Live to Learn" with the history of Japan, developing frontiers of "wisdom"

Our founding spirit consists of three main principles: Christianity, Liberalism and Internationalism. Doshisha was founded by Joseph Hardy Neesima in 1875 as the first Japanese school advocating th...
[«Doshisha University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

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Kyoto University of Advanced Science

It is Time for our University to Be Reborn

Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS) is an accredited four-year private university which was founded in 1969 in Kameoka City in the west of Kyoto Prefecture. In addition to this, KUAS has r...
[«Kyoto University of Advanced Science» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Kyoto University of Advanced Science Daftar fakultas

Aichi Shukutoku University

Mari mulai kehidupan mahasiswa asing sebagai mahasiswa tahun pertama di Universitas Aichi Shukutoku, di mana mahasiswa akan menemukan kepribadiannya dengan menemukan beragam nilai, mengembangkan po...
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Aichi Shukutoku University Daftar fakultas

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Kwansei Gakuin University

Cultivating global citizens who embody “Mastery for Service”.

Our mission is to foster global citizens who embody the school motto of “Mastery for Service” in accordance with the principles of Christian education. Kwansei Gakuin University is a comprehensive...
[«Kwansei Gakuin University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Kwansei Gakuin University Daftar fakultas

Kansai University

With a history of over 130 years, we invite you to come and study with us in Osaka and enhance your expertise in one of our 13 faculties.

Located in Osaka, a city brimming with history and tradition, Kansai University is a comprehensive private university with approximately 30,000 students. In addition to the wide variety of courses ...
[«Kansai University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Kansai University Daftar fakultas

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Yokohama National University

5 Reasons to Study at YNU

1.YNU conducts cutting-edge research. 2.YNU offers practical education. 3.YNU is an ideal place to study and live. 4.YNU is supportive. 5.YNU is cost effective. YNU values international students a...
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Yokohama National University Daftar fakultas

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Tohoku University

Providing World Class Research and Education Through “Creation and Innovation “

1.Research First Tohoku University is ranked number 1 in the 2023 Time Higher Education Japan University rankings for 4 consecutive years. Recognized by MEXT as one of the country’s top institution...
[«Tohoku University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Tohoku University Daftar fakultas

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Waseda University

From the past Waseda of Japan to the future WASEDA of the world: Spreading Our Academic Wings

In today’s increasingly global society, people are expected to contribute widely to Japan and the world, and to act as leaders for the next generation. Waseda University has produced many great th...
[«Waseda University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Waseda University Daftar fakultas

Hiroshima University

Hiroshima University is a national institution founded in 1949, incorporating many different institutions of higher education. HU has been growing ever since; adding new schools, research institute...
[«Hiroshima University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Hiroshima University Daftar fakultas

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Sophia University

Sophia - Bringing The World Together

Founded by the Jesuits in 1913 and placed in the heart of Tokyo, Sophia University has been a pioneer in global education in Japan. Being one of the top private universities in Japan, Sophia offers...
[«Sophia University» Tampilkan lebih lanjut]

Sophia University Daftar fakultas

Aichi Prefectural University Daftar fakultas

Aichi University of Technology Daftar fakultas

Aichi Institute of Technology Daftar fakultas

Aomori University Daftar fakultas

Aoyama Gakuin University Daftar fakultas

Akita Prefectural University Daftar fakultas

Ashikaga University Daftar fakultas

Ishinomaki Senshu University Daftar fakultas

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Teikyo University
Temple University, Japan Campus
Sapporo University
Meiji Gakuin University