홋카이도・아오모리현・이와테현・미야기현・아키타현・야마가타현・후쿠시마현의 학교에서에서 유학지를 찾기 | 유학 정보 사이트JPSS

홋카이도・아오모리현・이와테현・미야기현・아키타현・야마가타현・후쿠시마현의 ...

스카우트 기능으로 합격하면 장학금 기회

> 홋카이도・아오모리현・이와테현・미야기현・아키타현・야마가타현・후쿠시마현의 학교에서에서 유학지를 찾기

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지도로 검색
지도를 표시한다

외국인 유학생을 모집하고 있는 학교에서 전공 등을 조건으로 검색이 가능하며, 지도로도 검색할 수 있습니다.

전 141개교 1페이지

대학안내 다운로드
Hokkaido Bunkyo University

Hokkaido Bunkyo University, carefully nurturing valuable personnel.

The origins of Hokkaido Bunkyo University date back to 1942, when, during the throes of World War II, the founders Shintaro Tsuruoka and his wife Toshi established the Hokkaido Women’s Nutrition Co...
[«Hokkaido Bunkyo University» 다음 항목 열람]

Hokkaido Bunkyo University 학부일람

Sapporo University

Leading Other Universities in the Latest Trend in Japanese University Education: "Diverse Learning Styles

Sapporo University offers degrees equivalent to those of other universities in eight majors: economics, business administration, law, English, Japanese language and culture, history and culture, sp...
[«Sapporo University» 다음 항목 열람]

Sapporo University 학부일람

대학안내 다운로드
Tohoku University

Providing World Class Research and Education Through “Creation and Innovation “

1.Research First Tohoku University is ranked number 1 in the 2023 Time Higher Education Japan University rankings for 4 consecutive years. Recognized by MEXT as one of the country’s top institution...
[«Tohoku University» 다음 항목 열람]

Tohoku University 학부일람

The University of Aizu 학부일람

The University of Aizu 연구과일람

Aomori University of Health and Welfare 연구과일람

Aomori Public University 학부일람

Aomori Public University 연구과일람

Aomori Chuo Gakuin University 학부일람

Aomori Chuo Gakuin University 연구과일람

Aomori Chuo Junior College 학부일람

Akita Prefectural University 학부일람

Akita Prefectural University 연구과일람

Akita University of Art 학부일람

Akita University of Art 연구과일람

Asahikawa Medical University 학부일람

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Teikyo University
Sapporo University
Meiji Gakuin University
Temple University, Japan Campus


Niigata University of Health and Welfare
Kwansei Gakuin University
International University of Japan