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전 106개교 1페이지
테이쿄대학은 의과・문과・이공계 등 10개 학부 32개 학과로 구성된 종합대학교. 실천적인 지식과 기술을 익힐 수 있는 “실학”, 이문화 이해의 학습・체험을 하는 “국제성”, 필요한 지식・기술을 폭넓게 배우는“...
[«테이쿄대학» 다음 항목 열람]
Tokyo Metropolitan University(TMU) is the only university operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
One of key long-standing features of TMU is that the high level of research skills o...
[«Tokyo Metropolitan University» 다음 항목 열람]
Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS) is an accredited four-year private university which was founded in 1969 in Kameoka City in the west of Kyoto Prefecture. In addition to this, KUAS has r...
[«Kyoto University of Advanced Science» 다음 항목 열람]
Celebrating our 100th anniversary in 2024, Musashino University is a university with a rich history and tradition. Founded on the Buddhist spirit, Musashino University has changed with the times: i...
[«Musashino University» 다음 항목 열람]
Be a part of the inaugural intake of international students at Aichi Shukutoku University—a university which nurtures your ability to survive the next generation by discovering your own identity th...
[«아이치슈쿠토쿠대학» 다음 항목 열람]