JPSS, for information about studying in Japan's universities and graduate schools. > News/Useful information for studying abroad > Japan scholarship > Page 2
You can search for the requirements and amounts of many scholarships intended for international students.
14 results total Page 2
Organization Honjo International Scholarship Foundation
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Apply directly to the foundation.
Place of residence at the time of application both in and outside Japan
Academic level Master's program, Doctoral program
Stipend (Yen) 210,000 yen for a month (1 or 2 years). 190,000 yen for a month (3 years). 160,000 yen for a month (4 or 5 years)
Number of recipients 秋採用 若干名 春採用5 (Fall Scholarship: a few) (Spring Scholarship: 5)
Organization Yoshida Scholarship Foundation
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Apply through the school.
Place of residence at the time of application outside Japan
Academic level Master's program(1st year), Doctoral program(1st year)
Nationality ASEAN, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolia, West Asia, Central Asia, Africa
Stipend (Yen) 200,000 yen for a month
Number of recipients 若干名 (a few)
Organization Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Apply through the school.
Place of residence at the time of application both in and outside Japan
Academic level Undergraduate(3rd to 4th year (5th to 6th year for Medical, Dental, and Veterinarian courses)), Master's program(1st to 2nd year), Doctoral program(2nd to 3rd year (3rd to 4th year for Medical, Dental, and Veterinarian courses)), Others
Stipend (Yen) 70,000 yen for a month, 100,000 yen for a month, 140,000 yen for a month
Number of recipients 約600 (about 600)
Organization U.S.-Japan Council
Applicable scholarship year 2024-2025
Application method Apply directly to the foundation.
Place of residence at the time of application outside Japan
Academic level Undergraduate, Master's program, Doctoral program
Nationality USA
Stipend (Yen) Up to the full cost of study abroad ($25,000 max./y for graduate students)
Number of recipients 25~40